My Holy Grail Product | A Guide To Lucious Hair Using 1 Product

My Guide to Lucious Hair. It is Attainable as a Blonde

I have 1 holy grail product ever since I went blonde. It’s obvious to say my hair has taken a hit since I’ve been blonde for about 5 years now. If you meet me post college, most likely you meet me as a blonde. My early blonde hair was courtesy of my sister (don’t worry she went to beauty school lol) and it took 2.5 tries filled with peroxide and foil to get my uber dark hair to a pretty ash blonde. I tried going back to dark hair 2 years after but regretted it instantly. It then took 2 salon sessions to get my blonde hair back and now, there’s no going back.

My Holy Grail Product and Why It Matters

Now that I’ve been blonde for 5 years I can easily say I’ve tried many many hair products. The one holy grail product that constantly brings my hair back to life and is always a staple to my hair routine is Salerm 21 Leave-in Conditioner Silk Protein. When I say this thing works miracles, I’m talking about estropajo/stainless steel scrubber type hair turning into silky smooth and luscious hair. Laugh all you want but my hair has felt like a damn luffa and I cried many nights thinking I would need to cut it off and start over.

It’s Just Hair Why All The Fuss

First, let’s take a minute to understand what happens to hair when you constantly dye it blonde. Peroxide is the killer but ultimately all the chemicals strip your hair from its protective layer of natural oils damages the integrity of your hair core. Constantly using peroxide also means your hair becomes porous and absorbs much more chemicals and toxins than it should. You ever seen blonde girls with green/blue hair from being in chlorine infested pools? Yup. It’s happened to me 🙁 Your hair reaches a breaking point or should I say a stretching point🙊 Eventually, your hair loses integrity and becomes elastic which causes breakage and makes your hair susceptible to damage. Now when I say elastic I mean like an elastic rubber band. Yes. Your hair can get to that point.

Why This Product Works For Me

My holy grail product, Salerm 21, works simple because of the ingredients. It’s made out of silk proteins and pro-vitamin B5 that helps to slowly repair your hairs structure from the core out. When you use Salerm, your hair absorbs the proteins needed to fortify your hairs strength and makes it stronger and silkier to the touch. Now I know I sound like a spokesperson telling you how great this product is but honestly, I’ve recommend this product to several friends and majority if not all have said this product works extremely well for them.

How I Use Salerm 21

I am one of the few girls who actually washes her hair on a daily. Yes. I know I know, it’s bad for your hair. Well I’m trying every other day Mmkay 🙈 point is that every time I wash my hair, I put a dollop size of my holy grail product, Salerm on my Palm, rub it around and apply it to the end of my hair, the crazy baby hair that frames my face and then the rest until it’s gone. I then proceed to slowly and gently comb through my hair. I part my hair in half, start at the end of my hair and work my way up working through any tangles and possible knots. This is the safest and most recommended way to comb your hair. If possible, don’t comb your hair when wet because wet hair is at its most fragile and sensitive stage. A wide tooth comb is recommended or a wooden handle boar hair brush.

Have you ever used Salerm? Planning on trying it? Or do you have your own holy grail product? Tell me in the comments. I love to hear about new products

XO Andie

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