Get To Know Andie Sparkles | 20 Random Facts About Me


Hello my Andie Sparkles readers. I figured it was about time I shared some random facts about me so we could become better internet friends😊 Sometimes it’s hard to get your personality across from blog posts or super posey IG pictures. So today I will be sharing 20 random facts + short stories about me. Hopefully by the end you can get a better understanding about myself, the good and the bad😅

If you’re interested in reading how I came about starting my blog self-titled Andie Sparkles, you can read the About Me section. Now, let’s get to know me, mini intro, my name is Andrea but I go by Andie or as some friends jokingly say, Andie Sparkles.

Andie Sparkles

20 Random Facts About Andie Sparkles

(I hate this 3rd person thing too LOL)

1.I am a Sagittarius.

And yes, mostly everything they say about them is true and applies to me🙊 I am a fire sign. Enough said.

2. I always wanted to be taller.

As a child I was fairly tall for my age but as I got older, I did not grow very much. I have a fairly average height of 5’4 and a half. Don’t forget the half because it matters!! But I always wanted to be 5’7 without heels😕  Maybe in another life time.

3. I am the youngest child.

I loved barbies and everything girly growing up. Also I thought tomboys were icky 🤷🏽 My sisters never liked fashion or anything trendy.

4. I love love love dogs.

I really do think most animals in general are super cute! If I see a dog in the street, I will stop and stare and wanna pet it and talk to it and maybe even take a pic. Don’t judge too harshly.

5. I am a self taught seamstress. 

On my 9th bday, one of my aunts gifted me a beginners sewing kit and I instantly fell in love. My dad had an old school Singer sewing machine in the garage and I would use all the time. The first thing I ever made was a tank top dress which fit perfectly. It was a tiny bit lopsided but it was my favorite. Why did I not attend FIDM? Well I thought a more sensible degree would secure a healthy paying job in the future not knowing later on in life I would be craving to work towards my passion.

6. I am actually a very sensitive person

Shocker? Well I am a Sagittarius, so I see someone who is emotional as a weakness. I do not like to appear weak. (Ironically, that is my weakness hahah). So it might be a shock to many but those few people who actually know me, they know I am a big baby.

7. I have a rib cage tattoo. 

Not many people know I have a giant tattoo on my left rib cage but when they see it, I get asked what it says and the meaning behind it. It was my very first tattoo and I went with the script “I am strong despite my injuries“. The tattoo is a reminder and the meaning essentially is that no matter what injuries I carry, physical or internal, I am strong.

8. I cry in almost every movie I watch.

If you wanna see me cry, just throw on a Disney movie or anything with an emotional scene, and I will 100% cry. You can even bet money. This is a very Andie Spark-less moment if you ask me😂💀💀

9. I have been obsessed with Harry Potter since the 3rd grade.

I sorted myself to the Slytherin house because like Harry, I am too Half Gryffindor half Slytherin but there couldn’t be sunshine without a little bit of evil 😂💀💀 That’s the Slytherin talking LOL. Also, I own the Death Eater wand!!

10. I heavily dislike comedy TV shows or movies

I honestly think I have a bad sense of humor.. I don’t find “stupid” things funny (I will fake laugh to make you feel better).. with the exception of How I Met Your Mother. Best Show EVERRR. Oh and those prank shows? SMH no comment. But I tend to be goofy and I can laugh at the things I say/do because trust me, there are a lot of “blonde” moments. Oh yes, that blonde joke is a reoccurring theme among all my friends.

Congrats!! You Are Half Way There. Just Keep Reading, Just Keep Reading…

Honestly if you are still reading all these facts about me and you are entertained, let’s just be friends. One can never have too many good hearted friends. Just slide into the DMs and be like, “girl let’s be friends I like to brunch and I’m a HP fan” Promise I will reply 😂😂 Let’s continue on with the second half of these random facts.

Andie Sparkles

11. I was plant-based for 3 years.

The plant-based lifestyle was incredible. It first started as a 22 day challenge for myself to write about on Andie Sparkles. Quickly I fell in love with the lifestyle and decided to stay vegan for a few years. And yes, I did lose weight, 10 -15 lbs. I made a huge effort to eat healthy whole food and cut down on the “bad vegan” food (bread and carbs). I also made a list of my top 10 favorite vegan restaurants if you want any suggestions.

12. Vegan pizza is bae. 

Pizza is delicious. Pizza doesn’t ask you 20 million questions. Pizza cares.

13. Growing up, many kids made fun of me for being dark.

It used to be an insecurity until I realized these nasty bug-eyed little mocosos (snotty kids) were wrong. I slowly developed my self-confidence at a young age and got through all the ridicule, teasing and immature children.

14. My first concert was B2K.

Do you guys remember the R&B/ Hip-hop group/band from the earlt 2000’s??  Lil’ Fizz was my guy! 🤣💀

15. I am either dressed up or dressed wayyy down.

I tend to be a little extra just because I strongly believe you can never be overdressed. You could be badly dressed for whatever activity/event but never overdressed. Remember to always sparkle and walk into a room as if you own that mothafucker because yous a boss babe.

16. I am a terrible and sore loser.

I hate losing AND those people that make fun of you for losing, yeah I hope they get diarrhea and pay for their actions🙄

17. I wash all my fruit with soap LOL.

Just recently I discovered they make fruit soap!! But I still use Dawn on my apples 😂💀 I just never liked the taste of the waxy layer that’s on fruit and have been doing since since I was about 12 years old.

18. I often forget a lot of things but will remember every song lyric from a song.

Andie Sparkles Carpool Karaoke lets go!! 🎤 I have a terrible singing voice but love to sing LOL. Just the other day I was listening to an old playlist, the lyrics came rushing back to almost every song.

19. The name, Andie Sparkles actually originated from my love of My Little Pony and HIMWM.

Clearly I am referring to the ‘Sparkles’ portion since I’ve gone by Andie forever. If you are a fan of MLP you will know that the main character is called Twilight Sparkles who is learning about the power of friendship (love that concept). In addition, HIMYM has the infamous episode where Robin Scherbatsky is outed as a Canadian pop star named Robin Sparkles. There you have it, the origin lol.

20. I am always working towards improving myself as a person and friend.

I aim for constant change and small adjustments. I try my best to tweak bad habits and improve my thought process on life so I can wholeheartedly improve my energy, mind, and wellness. It’s a challenge everyday because it doesn’t happen overnight.

Andie Sparkles

Now, if you read all 20 facts about me, consider yourself my new internet friend 😝 feel free to comment your favorite random facts about yourself in the comments. We might have more in common than you think. Happy Tuesday!

XO Andie

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1 Comment

  1. June 21, 2018 / 1:57 PM

    It’s always difficult for me to write about myself (biggest reason for my shitty *about page*). The about page is one of the most visited page of any website. I don’t know but for sure this post is really captivating for new visitors (well it was for me). Why don’t you add this piece in your about page??

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