Many will argue that I am not a 80’s baby nor a 90’s baby. Why you may ask? Well my birthday happens to fall towards the end of the year and falls on the last year of the 80’s. Well I claim both eras and it’s the best! So when I heard Roaring Nights LA Zoo was having an 80’s vs. 90’s battle of the decades. I just knew I had to attend!
Roaring Nights at the LA Zoo are summer events held inside the LA Zoo with live bands, DJs, food trucks, activities, pop-up zoo keepers with animals and certain animals are opened for exhibit. My favorite always being The Lair, where all the reptiles are held🐍 Major plus, they have full bars available throughout the event. Score! So I gathered a few of my friends and we decided to make our way to Roaring Nights LA Zoo dressed in our best 90’s apparel– the guys didn’t want to go all out 😔
**Side Note: My hair is a complete and utter mess because I accidentally and (very stupidly I may add) burned my fore arm. So I went as is.
Let’s talk about the food at Roaring Nights LA Zoo because these burgers were amazing!
Once we arrived at the location we explored a bit, created some slap bracelets and even grabbed a few glow bracelets. The important question lingering was, which food truck was going to get picked. There was Mediterranean food, a mac and cheese truck, pizza and Mexican food. None of them called our attention until we spotted a bright pink truck, Baby’s Badass Burgers! We all agreed that was the best option and so we stood in line. Well I wont lie, my friends stood in line. I just simply went off to take pictures and refilled our drinks. Hey, it was my round to buy so it was my duty 😜
After drinks and food were purchased, we dug in. This burger was just amazing! The meat was so juicy and tender and the patty was HUGE!! You can see in my pictures, I am not lying. The fries were simple curly fries, nothing too fancy about them (sorry!). The real deal was within the burger. It was simply finger licking good. Turns out they were on an episode of Shark Tank but unfortunately did not receive any shark investors. If you are located in California near LA, San Bernardino, Orange County, San Diego, or in Houston, Texas or New Orleans, Louisiana, I highly recommend you check out their truck schedule so you too can have a tasty burger.

This burger was sooo delicious!!!
Overall this summer series event was very entertaining and fun. Make sure you keep an eye out for Roaring Nights LA Zoo in 2018. They are sure to have plenty more summer series events such as this one.
xo Andie