Instagram, I get lost in your newsfeed for hours at a time.
But really, how does the Instagram algorithm work ? Ever since Facebook acquired Instagram back in 2012, minor changes occurred each year but nothing extremely drastic until Spring 2016 when we all lost the beloved chronological newsfeed order😫 Since then, there’s been updates to this so-called “algorithm” that many try to decipher and even create “myths” about. Unlike Facebook, no clear information has ever been provided on how the Instagram algorithm actually works. Not until TechCrunch wrote this very informative post (shoutout to Tasha Meys) where a Facebook Product Lead explained the new Instagram algorithm. Hallelujah.
How Does The Instagram Algorithm Work ?
Let’s just jump into all the goodness that is the new IG algorithm and my recap from a confirmed Instagram Product Lead. The IG newsfeed seems to be very similar to the Facebook newsfeed where it takes your interests, past and current activity, and friends/friends of friends into consideration. The result, Instagram gives you content that you might want to see.
Determining Factors:
1. Interests
Your interests determine how likely you are to react/respond to a post based on the overall categories you like. This is taken from accounts/posts you previously interacted with (meme accounts, sports cars, travel pictures, when you dive into a specific hashtag ect.). Instagram then takes your past engagement behavior and generates content on your explore page that will most likely apply to you and your interests.
For my blogger friends, if you are looking to switch your newsfeed to focus more on your niche *(travel, beauty, style, fitness ect) I suggest you go on an engagement spree. Dive into hashtags, follow bloggers/influencers in your niche, comment and organically engage with those accounts you find interesting. The algorithm will take care of the rest.
My everyday Instagrammer, if you’re tired of seeing the same crap on your explore page, start “exploring” different accounts. I suggest you start with hitting that cure Arrow button (displayed below. Shoutout to Shay Mitchell she’s such a babe😉) it will generate similar accounts to the one you follow or are interested in. This is a great way to discover new accounts on instagram.
2. Relationship
Instagram will analyze the people you follow, likes and accounts you interact with based on your past and current activity (friends you interact with on a daily basis, celebrities accounts where you leave comments ect.). Accounts you like/comment more often are likely to be at the top of your newsfeed over accounts you never like or comment. Pretty straight forward.
For my blogger friends, if you are looking for more of a variety on your newsfeed, interact with several accounts you already follow. The standard for me is 3-4 pictures liked + 1 comment. If you enjoy their feed more is always welcome😊 This will tell the Instagram algorithm that you “Like” these accounts and want to see more of them on your newsfeed.
My everyday Instagrammer, if you’re tired of missing your cousin’s post from last Friday’s crazy adventure, I suggest you go through the accounts you want to see more on your newsfeed and Like the posts and comment. This applies to old and new content. The more Instagram sees that you are interacting with specific accounts, the more likely you will see those accounts on your newsfeed next time you open the app.
3. Recency/Following
This one is for your newsfeed and a bit tricky to explain. Although the Instagram newsfeed isn’t chronological any longer, it still takes the date/time into consideration. Of course, it’s all based on how many accounts you follow and how frequent those accounts post content. If you follow 500-1K accounts who post 1-3 times a week or even once a week, you are more likely to see content as “old” as 2-3 days maybe even posts that were lost from the previous weekend but nothing “older”. If you follow 1k+ and you don’t interest with all the accounts, there will be posts that you miss and the “oldest” post you will see will likely be 1 day or a few hours at most. This is one of the main reasons people hate the new algorithm, many posts get lost because of a lack of engagement.
For my blogger friends, go through a purging phase. I do this on a monthly basis and have seen great results. Remove accounts that are not relevant to your niche and/or inactive accounts. This will remove clutter from the queue and helps the algorithm work better.
My everyday Instagrammer, I understand it’s hard to purge your account of friends/family members that aren’t as active on Instagram. Which is the reason why I will never suggest you purge any of their accounts. Aside from family and friends, I would suggest you take into consideration following quality accounts. Those accounts that post frequently and are of interest to you.
4. Frequency/Usage
A less important but still a factor for the algorithm is how frequent you use and open the app. Are you a frequent user or an occasional let me scroll for 10 mins every 6 hours? This will determine what content to display. If you do not open your app and use it as often, Instagram will work harder to provide to you the “best” content.
For my blogger friends, if you aren’t as active as you wish you were, try opening the app once every hour or two minimum.
My everyday Instagrammer, if you honestly have better things to worry about than your Instagram account, keep doing what you’re doing. you will continue to get quality content at the top of your feed if you do #1-3.
So What Did You Learn?
The Instagram algorithm is complex and takes many factors into consideration. As long as you try any of my tips for making changes in 1 of the 4 factors, you will begin to see changes to your instagram account. For now, Instagram will continue with its new algorithm and is not planning to move back to chronological order 😫 but they do listen. So continue on with your suggestions, comments and complains. They’re out there listening to all the internet chatter (not meant to be creepy).
Do you think they should remove the Instagram algorithm ? Leave your thoughts below. I personally think it’s simply aiiiight 🤷🏽🤷🏼
You can read my previous post on which iPhone editing apps I use here. Enjoy!
XO Andie 🙂
I love how you took the extra time to put in tips for every IG users plus bloggers!
Thanks hun! I felt the need to share my knowledge for my blogger friends and IRL friends. Hope you liked my info ✨ XO
This post was actually extremely helpful. Not only am I am blogger, but I do social media professionally and it’s part of my job to keep up with the changes in social media platforms. This post had such great insight that I can implement in my job as well as part of my blogger strategy.
Great post! x
Hi Michelle, great to hear that my post was useful and provided some insight on the new and ever changing Instagram algorithm. I hope it helps you professionally and personally.
I like the way you explained every detail but its also disheartening to see less engagement on your account and it makes you feel less valued
Cause todays generation everything is rated by the number of likes and in that moment because of this new algorithm of instagram , it makes fetch likes through engaging more and more time on instagram . It has become like a business. Before it was like one family where we interacted with every follower saw their posts . Whats the point of having the follow button if i m not able to view their post .